Lion Suresh Sinhal GST Chairperson, 01st. 322F (LY 2018-19 & LY 2019-20) OVID-19 or the CORONA Virus as we more popularly know It has shook the world In a matter of less than a 100 days. It is now more than ever, do we realise how fragile we as human beings are and how important it is for us to keep ourselves healthy to ensure a healthy life & well being. In Situations like these and others like Dengue, severe anemia, major/Monir Accidents etc. do we realise the need for the Rfelineof the human body-Le. Blood. Lions Clubs International, the largest service organisation in the World with presence in over 200 countries and having Impacted human lives for over 104 years now have been at theforefront to ensure no preciouslife is lost dueto non availability or shortage of blood. 01st 322F, with an overall strength of over 110+ Clubs over the years have been instrumental in being thetorch bearer for ensuring the need of the region with regards to Blood and its component and making it available at the right time to the right person and the right place.
Dist.322 Headquarters in Siliguri with none other than famous Indian Cricketer Wridhlman Saha as Its brand ambassador. The then District Governor Lion Sravan Choudhary, PID Lion GS Hon, Senior PDG Lion PC Maskara & Galaxy of Past District Governors along with Lion members of Dist 322F were present at the auspicious launchceremony. Siliguri Terai lions Blood Bank, the flagship project of Lions Club of Sillguri Terai Is a pride not just for Lions of the District but for the entire community. It in fact is the "LIFELINE" of the people of North Bengal. The tall for a massive Blood collection Drive could not have been answered without Terai Lions Blood Back being the Torch Bearer and leading from the front for all Clinical & Logistical Support. Clubs, Big & Small by Membership Strength, New and Old by date of Incorporation came forward to the Call by organising Blood Donation Camps in all Big Shopping Malls and super-Markets In Siliguri & towns, Villages, Communities where Lionsarepresent. Themajor Highlightsof the Campaign were: No. Of Days of Campaign 10th August to 15th September-(35 Days)
Keeping this legacy in mind and taking it forward, Lions Clubs of Dist.322F came forward to set yet another benchmark by taking up a daunting task of conducting Blood Donation camps and collecting Blood Units in record number during a stipulated timeframe in the consecutive Lionistic Yearsof 20018-19& 2019-20. To earmark the same, launch of the campaign "PVNAR IEEWAN- wasdone with Twee Lions Blood Bank at the Lions nil I,: OtXI RAW !IMO 13.0. 2010
No. Of ClubspartIcIpated • 55 No. Of Units Collected -4000. Looking at the huge success of PUNAR Jeewan for the 1st year, the numbers of lives served through the same and the overwhelming response of the Clubs and the donors, it goes without saying that all Clubs were waiting for the announcements of dates for the subsequent Lionistic Year of 2019-2020 too under the dynamk Leadership of 06 Lion Sanjay Agrawal Key Milestonesof theCampaignRakt Arpan were: No. Of Days of Campaign - 11th August to 30th September 2019 (50days) No. Of Clubsparticipated -45 No. Of UnitsCollected 3,000+ Over 110+ clubs of lions Clubs International Dist 322F spreading from Malda, Siliguri, Decors, HIlls,SIkkim and Bhutan which are the premier Social organization in serving the community In their respective communities came forward to makethe project a massive success.
Over 15,000+ Lives will be impacted through this Noble cause and It seems as if It Is lust a Drop in the Ocean of how much good each one of us could do to make a positive change inthe live of others. The untiring Support of First, Teral Lions Blood Bank, without whose support this massive feat. Would not have been possible. The Distrcit Governors, Past District Governor's, Club Presidents, Cabinet Members and last but not the least each and every donor for their pricessless contribution is beyond any wordsof praise. Asit isrightlysaid, Where there isa need ,There is a Lion.